This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement N° 821870

Gdańsk Fortress Route
Before 960
Pomeranian tribal state
ca 960 - 1227
Duchy/Kingdom of Poland
Duchy of Pomerania
Kingdom of Poland
State of the Teutonic Order
Kingdom of Poland/Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth (first republic)
Kingdom of Prussia
Free City of Gdańsk (under the protection of France)
Kingdom of Prussia/German Empire/Weimar Republic
Free City of Gdańsk (under the protection of League of Nations)
German Reich
Polish People's Republic
Republic of Poland (third Republic)
Free City of Gdańsk (under the protection of League of Nations)
Free City of Gdańsk (under the protection of League of Nations)
Free City of Gdańsk (under the protection of League of Nations)
Free City of Gdańsk (under the protection of League of Nations)
Free City of Gdańsk (under the protection of League of Nations)
German Reich
German Reich
German Reich
Polish People's Republic
Polish People's Republic

Documentation of monumental complexes in Gdańsk

Earliest fortifications of the city 14th-15th
Medieval Period
15 Latarniana
(PL) Baszta Latarniana
(DE)Wehrturm in der Laternengasse
16 Straw Tower
(PL) Baszta Słomiana
(DE) Strohturm
17 Torture House and Prison Tower
(PL) Zespół przedbramia Ulicy Długiej
(Katownia i Wieża Więzienna)
(DE) Langerstraßentorkomplex (Peinkammer und Stockturm)
18 Corner Tower
(PL) Baszta Narożna
(DE) Eckturm am Stadthof
19 Corner Walls
(PL) Murami Narożna
20 Schultz Tower
(PL) Baszta Schultza
(DE) Schultz Turm
21 Tower of Anchors
(PL) Baszta Kotwiczników
(DE) Ankerschmiedeturm
22 Pod Zręb Tower
(PL) Baszta pod Zrębem / Baszta Atutowa
(DE) Trumpfturm
23 White Tower
(PL) Baszta Biała
(DE) Weißer Turm
24 New Tower
(PL) Baszta Nowa
(DE) Neuer Turm
25 Remains of the walls of the Teutonic castle
(PL) Relikty murów zamku krzyżackiego
(DE) Relikte der Mauern der Deutschordensburg
1 Cow’s Gate
(PL) Brama Krowia
(DE) Kuhtor
2 Cog Gate (new green gate)
(PL) Brama kogi teraz Brama Zielona
3 Chlebnicka Gate
(PL) Brama Chlebnicka
(DE) Brotbänkentor
4 St. Mary's Gate
(PL) Brama Mariacka
(DE) Frauentor
5 Holy Spirit Gate
(PL) Brama Świętego Ducha
(DE) Heilige Geist Tor
6 Crane Gate
(PL) ŻurawKrantor
7 St. John's Gate
(PL) Brama Świętojańska
(DE) Johannistor
8 Staganiarska Gate
(PL) Brama Straganiarska
(DE) Häkertor
9 Golden Gate
(PL) Złota Brama
(DE) Goldenes Tor (Langgasser Tor)
10 Stągiewna Gates
(PL) Brama Stągiewna
(DE) Milchkannentor
11 Swan Tower
(PL) Baszta Łabędź
(DE) Schwanturm
12 Eastern part of northern Walls
(PL) Murami Łabędź
13 Western part of northern Walls
(PL) Murami Katov
14 Jacek Tower
(PL)Baszta Jacek
(DE) Kiek in de Kök Turm
Early modern fortifications
16th century and first half of 17th century
33 Wyskok Bastion
(PL) Bastion Wyskok
(DE) Aussprung Bastion
34 Bear Bastion
(PL) Bastion Miś
(DE) Bëren Bastion
35 Królik Bastion
(PL) Bastion Królik
36 St. Elizabeth’s Bastion
(PL) Bastion Św. Elżbiety
(DE) Elisabeth Bastion
37 Cat Bastion
(PL) Bastion Kot
(DE) Katze Bastion
38 Wiebe Bastion
(PL) Bastion Wibego
(DE) Wieben Bastion
26 High Gate
(PL) Brama Wyżynna
(DE) Hohes Tor
27 Lowland Gate
(PL) Brama Nizinna
(DE) Leeges Tor
28 Żuławy Gate (Long Gardens Gate)
(PL) Brama Żuławska (Brama Długich Ogrodów)
(DE) Langgarter Tor
29 St Gertrude Bastion
(PL) Bastion św. Gertrudy
(DE) Gertrude Bastion
30 Aurochs Bastion
(PL) Bastion Żubr
(DE) Aurochs Bastion Maidloch Bastion
31 Stone Sluice (Main Sluice)
(PL) Śluza Kamienna (Główna Śluza)
(DE) Steinschleuze (Hauptschleuse)
32 Wolf Bastion
(PL) Bastion Wilk
(DE) Wolf Bastion
External fortifications
Second half of the 17th and 18th centuries
39 Jesuit Rampart
(PL) Szaniec Jezuicki
(DE) Jesuiten Schanze
40 Fortification of Bishops Hill
(PL) Fortyfikacje Biskupiej Górki
(DE) Bishofs Berg Fortifications
41 Fortifications of Gradowa Hill (Grodzisko)
(PL) Zespół fortyfikacji Grodziska
(DE) Hagels Berg
42 Wisłoujście Fortress Complex
(PL) Zespół fortyfikacji Wisłoujścia
(DE) Weichselmünde
19th and 20th centuries
43 Fortifications of Railway Gate
(PL) Brama kolejowa
44 Osiek Shelter
(PL) Schron na Osieku
45 Hospital Shelter
(PL) Schron szpitala na ul . Klinicznej
46 Seagulls Rampart
(PL) Mewi Szaniec
(DE) Möwen Schanze
47 Westerplatte Peninsula Fortification
(PL) Zespół fortyfikacji Westerplatte
(DE) Westerplatte Fortification
48 Port Battery
(PL) Bateria Portowa
(DE) Port Baterie
49 Beach Battery
(PL) Bateria Plażowa
(DE) Strand Baterie
50 Village Battery
(PL) Bateria Wiejska
(DE) Dorfbatterie