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Work Packages

WP1 Preliminary analysis on target site (Upper Kama)

1.1 Realization of illustrated atlas on UpK architectural heritage.

1.2 Archive research on history of each asset identified in the survey.

1.3 Identification of descriptors for architectural elements.

1.5 Identification of architectural study sites.

1.4 Identification and definition of Upper Kama boundaries.

WP2 Documentation campaign and survey protocols definitions

2.1 Metric digital survey and creation of measurements database.

2.2 Technological/archaeological inventory of buildings and materials.

2.3 Integration of databases and design of synthesis devices.


WP3 IM Library operation and validation

3.1 Definition of 3D “shell” models for TCMs.

3.2 Implementation of TCMs models with information content.

3.3 Integration of TCMs with damage considerations and reports.

3.4 Definition and inventory of ABFs from TCMs collection.

3.5 Prototyping of IMLs features and protocols.

WP4 Finalization of IMs and exploitation of results

4.1 Definition of IMLs protocols for a programmatic “charta”.

4.2 Creation of DBMSs to improve the valorization of BH of CHRs.

4.3 Implementation of BIM Collaborative server platforms for the management of IMs in remote interaction.

4.4 Development of guidelines for interventions of conservation.

4.5 Analysis of the applicability of protocols and guidelines in similar cultural and administrative contexts of European CHRs.

WP5 Transfer of Knowledge

5.1 Workshops.

5.2 Seminars.

5.3 Conferences.

5.4 Practical demonstrations.

5.5 Field trips.

5.6 Laboratory activities.


WP6 Communication and Dissemination strategy

6.1 Communication and Dissemination Plan.

6.2 Dissemination strategy.

6.3 Communication strategy.

WP7 Project management and monitoring

7.1 Project management and project meetings.

7.2 Project monitoring.

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