This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement N° 821870
At a decision-making level, the project management structure includes four committees with an overall number of 14 members, 9 of which are female. Female researchers are well represented in all the committees except for Management Board. This is because the management board includes most experienced researches (ER) from each participating institution. ESRs have the responsibility of monitoring and verifying the compliance of the activities within the project work plan and objectives/results set.
Dissemination and communication committee (DC)
Committees’ members (blue cell indicates female researchers)
Monitoring committee (MC)
Scientific board (SB)
Management board and steering committee (MB/SC)
Management Board (MB):
Overall project management. It includes senior representatives from all participating organizations. This research involves only 14 researchers from 5 institutions from different countries.
The implementation of the work plan is linear, hence with a limited need for coordination, therefore, the role of the steering committee (SC) will be covered by MB. A partnership agreement will besigned defining the share of contribution the beneficiaries are allocating to support the visiting researchers from the partner organization.
Main tasks: define the partnership agreement, rules and decision-making procedures; define the workplan; verify that the activities will be in line with work plan, through the reporting of the Monitoring committee; manage conflicts; verify the financial management; reorient the work plan if necessary.
Members: ER1 (Parrinello, leader), ER3 (Palmero), ER7 (Minutoli).
Monitoring Committe (MC):
Involves mostly the partners’ younger members. It will develop a monitoring plan including activities, results, milestones, deliverables, budget, a monitory secondments and will regularly check that the project implementation closely follows the plan. Main tasks: communicate the up-to-date monitoring plan to the MB/SC before each year project meeting, or earlier in case of relevant inconsistencies.
Members: ESR13 , ESR11, ESR14, ER8.
Advisory Board (AB):
Composed of external experts, will support the SB in the control of the scientific value of theproject, with evaluation tools and verification regarding the lead times and respect of milestone sand quality of deliverables. The board includes external experts (2-3 people), belonging to the area of academic research, involved during the project into phases and supervising meetings alongside other boards.
Scientific Board (SB):
Including experienced researcher from each discipline with the special role of supervising scientific quality of project activities and outputs.
Members: ER5 , ER1 (Parrinello), ER4, ER2.
Dissem. and Comm. Commitee (DC):
In charge of verify organisation, implementation and efficacy of the Dissemination and Communication actions. A dissemination and communication plan will be prepared and shared with the MB/SC.
Members: ESR12, ER6, ER9, ER10.